For Addicts
If you find that you cannot stop using drugs, you are not alone. We have all been where you are and have found freedom through Narcotics Anonymous. We suggest that you find a meeting and join us on this journey of recovery.
For Professionals
If you are a counselor, healthcare professional or a member of the legal profession and think that Narcotics Anonymous could be an asset to your clients, please take a moment to access some of our resources for professionals.

Welcome to NA
If you think you have a drug problem
Click here, we can help

For Addicts
If you find that you cannot stop using drugs, you are not alone. We have all been where you are and have found freedom through Narcotics Anonymous. We suggest that you find a meeting and join us on this journey of recovery.

For Professionals
If you are a counselor, healthcare professional or a member of the legal profession and think that Narcotics Anonymous could be an asset to your clients, please take a moment to access some of our resources for professionals.

Find a Meeting
Click here to find a meeting

Looking for something to do
Click here to view/submit upcoming events

NA Announcements
Click here for area & regional announcements

Document Downloads
Click here for area minutes, event flyers, etc.
Password Protected
- Click button below for link to available Nassau Area physical & virtual meetings you can attend.
Help Line Phone Numbers:
Nassau | (516) 827-9500 |
Brooklyn, Bronx,Queens & Staten Island | (718 ) 962-6244 |
Suffolk | (631) 689-6262 |
Manhattan and theGreater NY Region | (212) 929-6262 |
Find a Meeting in Nassau County: Meeting List
Local Radio Show Podcast Featuring
Nassau Area Subcommittee Members.
DISCLAIMER: “NA is not affiliated with YouTube or the Radio Station WCWP
Our purpose
The purpose of this website is to provide accurate and up-to-date information about Narcotics Anonymous, especially the local NA fellowship. By making this information available on the internet, we hope to make ourselves more accessible to those with a desire to stop using drugs and to the community as a whole. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion. It is not our intention to promote the NA program, but it is our hope that those who are attracted to our way of life will be able to find us easily.
Our privacy policy
We pledge to safeguard any personal information that you give us, including email addresses, etc. We will never make this information available to third parties for any reason. We will never use this information for any purpose other than to provide the service(s) which you request. We do not use “cookies” and we do not track visits to our site.
Who is responsible for this website?
This site is owned and operated by the Nassau Area Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous. The Nassau Area Service Committee has delegated the operation and maintenance of this site to its Public Information Subcommittee and that subcommittee’s Internet Task Force. The Nassau Area Service Committee is directly responsible to its member groups.
Please direct all questions and/or comments about this site to our Public Information Chairperson at
Thank you for allowing us to be of service.