- Groups and individual members that wish to support Nassau Area may now do so via:
- PayPal – https://nassauna.org/donations
- Give Butter – https://givebutter.com/NASC
- https://nassauna.org/donations-to-nassau-area-of-narcotics
- Make Checks payable to “NASCOMM”
Mail Checks to
PO BOX 1533
Mineola NY 11501
- NASC Minutes are also available on www.nassauna.org. The password to access the minutes are posted in NASC Area Minutes.
- Up to date Regional Meeting List: https://nanewyork.org/?current-meeting-list=5
- ALL LITERATURE ORDERS FOR THE NEXT MONTH MUST BE PLACED AT AREA BY 1PM. If you are not present at Area, and do not submit a Literature Order with a check made payable to NASCOMM, you will not get literature. Only checks or money orders made out to NASCOMM will be accepted to purchase literature. No cash will be accepted, as per NASC policy. When GSRs submit a personal check to pay for literature, they must include their phone number and group name on the check
- Groups having events outside of their regular meeting time, anytime and anywhere, need to get an insurance rider. If your group is having a special event such as a fundraiser, speaker jam, group anniversary, service event (that is not at the same time & meeting place as your group) you must fill out a One-Time Group Event Request Form. Please submit the form to Mike O. at nascinsurance@gmail.com 45 days before the event
NASC | Next Mtg APRIL 6TH (In-person & Online)
| 12:00 PM Orientation 12:30 PM Business Mtg | 95 Stewart Ave., Hicksville, NY, 11801 & Zoom ID: 765 2362 8273 Password: 765236 |
ENYR Helpline 877-890-8088 ext. 5 | Next Mtg MARCH 31ST Last Monday of the month (1 year street cleantime) | 6:00 PM Business Mtg | Zoom ID: 162 718 251 Password: 162718 |
H&I | Next Meeting MARCH 4TH 1st- Tuesday
| 7:30 PM Orientation (must have 6 months street cleantime) HYBRID 8:00 PM Business Mtg | Zoom ID: 846 932 328 Password: numc 95 Stewart Ave., Hicksville, NY, 11801 |
E&A | Next Mtg MARCH 19TH 3rd- Wednesday | 6:30 PM HYBRID Business Mtg | 95 Stewart Ave., Hicksville, NY, 11801 |
ENYR | Next Mtg MARCH 15TH 3rd- Saturday SEE ATTACHED REPORT | 12:00 PM Business Mtg | Zoom ID: 526320642 Password: enyr |
PUBLIC RELATIONS | Next Mtg MARCH 20TH 3rd-Thursday | 7:00 PM Business Mtg | Zoom ID: 503312567 Password: 50331 |
NACNA | Next Mtg MARCH 25TH 4th-Tuesday | 7:3O PM NACNA XXII | 95 Stewart Avenue in Hicksville |